5th Avenue Church of Christ
4200 5th Ave South
St. Petersburg, FL 33711
Website: www.5thavenuecofc.org
Minister: Bro. Joe Tucker & Bro. Lester McCoy & Bro. Taj Williams
11th St. Church of Christ
513 11th Street W
Palmetto, FL 34221
Website: www.11stcocpalmetto.com
Minister: Bro. Larry Collins & Bro. Richard Cheaves, Sr
20th St. Church of Christ
825 20th St. South
St. Petersburg, FL 33712
Website; www.20thstreetcoc.com
Minister: Bro. Robert Smith
29th St. Church of Christ
3310 N. 29th St.
Tampa, FL 33605
Website: www.29thstchurchofchrist.org
Minister: Bro. Perry Johnson
201 Church of Christ
204 M.L.King Jr. Avenue East
Bradenton, FL 34208
Minister: Bro. Larry Williams
Bay Area Church of Christ
Bay Vista Church of Christ
5460 7th Street South
St. Petersburg, FL 33705
Website: www.bayvistachurchofchrist.com
Minister: Bro. Lorenzo Pollard
Belmont Heights Church of Christ
5701 N 30th St.
Tampa, FL 33610
Minister: Bro. Alfred Williams
Booth St Church of Christ
Brandon Church of Christ
529 Coulter Road
Brandon, FL 33511
Website: www.brandonmembers.com
Minister: Bro. John Guzzetta
East Palmetto Church of Christ
1608 28th St. East
Palmetto, FL 34221
Website: www.eastpalmettochurcho8.wixsite.com
Minister: Bro. Thomas Green
Hartman Road Church of Christ
1010 Hartman Road
Fort Pierce, FL 34947
Minister: Bro. Demetrius Bryant
Hilltop Church of Christ
2101 Martin Luther King Blvd NE
Winter Haven, FL 33881
Website: www.hillltopcofc.org
Ministers: Bro. Samuell Pounds & Bro. Ivory Seright
Jackson Height Church of Christ
3817 Lindell Ave
Tampa, FL 33610
Minister: Bro. James Suttle, Sr.
Manhattan Ave. Church of Christ
4020 S. Manhattan Ave.
Tampa, FL 33611
Website: www.thelordsway.com
Nebraska Ave. Church of Christ
4608 N. Nebraska Ave.
Tampa, FL 33603
Minister: Bro. Wayne Wells
Ninth St. Church of Christ
97 Ninth Street
Winter Garden, FL 34787
Website: www.ninthstreetcoc.com
Minister: Bro. Xerses Snell
Northside Church of Christ
6906 N. 50th St.
Tampa, FL 33617
Website: https://northside-cc.org
Minister: Bro. Luis R Lugo
Northside Church of Christ
4736 Avenue B
Jacksonville, FL 32209
Website: nscocjax.com
Minister: Bro. Charlie McClendon & Bro. Al Jackson
Pinecrest Park Church of Christ
301 38th St. N
St. Petersburg, FL 33713
Ministers: Bro. Lenwood Sapp, Sr., Bro. Vincent Walker, Bro. Glenn Burgess, & Bro. Robert Lee III
Rome Avenue Church of Christ
6503 N. 15th St
Tampa, FL 33610
Minster: Bro. Terry Allen
Sixth Street Church of Christ
320 W. Sixth St
Lakeland, FL 33802
Ministers: Bro Allen Cross & Bro Robert Williams
South Central Church of Christ (Will Duke Rd COC)
244 Will Dukes Rd
Wauchula, FL 33873
Minister: Bro. Brandon McClain
Website: https://www.facebook.com/SouthCentralChurchofChrist.co/
Southside Church of Christ
Southside Church of Christ
6411 12th Ave South
Tampa, FL 33619
Minister. Bro. Eddie Harper & Bro. Antonio Seay
Temple Crest Church of Christ
8309 N. 40th St.
Tampa, FL 33617
Temple Terrace Church of Christ
8001 Temple Terrace Hwy
Temple Terrace, FL 33637
Website: www.ttcoc.com
Veronica Shoemaker Blvd Church of Christ
1827 Veronica Shoemaker Blvd
Fort Myers, FL 33916
Website: www.vbschurchofchrist.org
Minister: Bro. Gilbert Miller & Bro Stanley Gavin
Westmoreland Drive Church of Christ
215 Westmoreland Dr.
Orlando, FL 32808
Minister: Bro. Sidney Moore
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